Leash Your Weight: The Fur-Friendly Way to Fitness

Girl and her dog standing on the scale happy to see a drop in weight!

In the quest for better health and a trimmer waistline, many of us find ourselves cycling through gym memberships, home workout routines, and the latest diet trends with varying degrees of success. However, an often-overlooked asset in our weight loss arsenal could be wagging its tail at our feet. Have you ever searched for a workout partner who would be there regularly to keep motivation high and keep the momentum going? I have but realized the best-workout partner is at my feet. I’ll tell you more about that later though.

Combining the need for regular dog fitness with our personal weight loss goals can provide mutual benefits for both pet and owner. Not only does incorporating canine workouts into your routine fortify your bond, but it also introduces a fun and sustainable approach to staying fit. Here’s how you and your furry friend can achieve a healthier lifestyle together:

1. The Power of the Pack Walk

The simple act of walking your dog can be elevated into a high-energy, fat-burning session. By increasing your pace, incorporating intervals, or adding challenges like hills, you transform a stroll into a cardiovascular workout. Remember, consistency is key, so aim for daily walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity to suit both your fitness levels. And Bonus you let your dog have a bathroom break. But please do not forget the doggy bags to pick up after your dog/ curb your dog.

2. Fetch, with a Twist

Playing fetch is an excellent way to get your heart rate up. To maximize its benefits, don’t just stand still; run to retrieve the toy along with your dog or do squats while your dog fetches. This adds an extra layer of exercise for you, turning a game into a productive workout session. When at the dog park, your dog will socialize but he/she wants to also socialize with you so throw your dog a ball or frisbee and run around the park with them don’t just stand there talking to that cute guy or girl and get moving with them and bring them and their dog into the game.

3. Agility Training for Two

Agility training isn’t just for competitive dogs; it can be a dynamic and enjoyable way for you both to stay active. Courses can include obstacles such as jumps, tunnels, and weave poles, challenging your dog mentally and physically. While guiding your dog through the course, you’ll engage in plenty of running, bending, and stretching, making it a full-body workout. Once you get good enough you can compete in trials or just against a friend and their dog.

4. Yoga with Your Dog

Young woman and her dog on the yoga mat together!

Yes, you read that right—doga, or dog yoga, is a thing. While some poses are tailored for humans with canine partners, others involve dogs more directly through gentle stretching. It might not be a high-intensity workout, but it’s a great way to improve flexibility and bond with your pet. Try doing Downward Dog yourself and then invite your dog onto the mat and get them into their version- Have you seen how your dog wakes up in the morning I’ll betcha it’s a Downward Dog Pose! My mentor for Doga is Suzi Teitelman who back in 2002 started the movem

5. Paddleboarding and Swimming

For the adventurous duo, water sports like paddleboarding and swimming offer fantastic resistance training and cardiovascular benefits. Always ensure your dog is comfortable and safe around water before diving into these activities. They actually have life preservers for dogs, although most dogs are naturally born swimmers, safety should always be a concern.

6. Canicross: Cross-country Running

Canicross is the sport of cross-country running with dogs, where they are attached to their runner via a harness and elastic leash. It combines resistance with traditional running, making for a challenging workout that dogs love. Canicross is more than just running with your dog, it is hitting the trails and taking on the obstacles that lie ahead, there could be log jumps, puddles to run through and more so be prepared to get down and dirty.

Losing weight with your dog can be fun!

Incorporating your dog into your weight loss and fitness regime can shift the perception of exercise from a chore to an enjoyable, rewarding activity. It’s a win-win scenario where both you and your dog can thrive physically and emotionally. Plus, exercising together strengthens the bond between you, creating lasting memories alongside a healthier lifestyle.

Always consult with healthcare providers for BOTH of you to ensure your safety before starting a new activity.

Remember, before starting any new fitness regimen—for you or your dog—it’s wise to consult with a professional to ensure the activities are suitable for your dog’s breed, age, and health status, as well as your own physical condition.

The best workout partner you will ever have!

Sweat, smile, and repeat—with your dog by your side, the path to weight loss feels a little less like a solo trek and more like a joyous adventure. Welcome to the fur-friendly way to fitness, where every step brings you closer to your goals, with a wagging tail accompanying each stride. So, grab your leash and get ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you and your furry companion.

Happy exercising!

Don’t forget there are plenty of other ways to incorporate your dog into your fitness routine.

Hiking is a great way to explore new trails and get some fresh air while simultaneously burning calories. Many dogs love the great outdoors, and making it a habit to go hiking with your dog can be a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Hiking is not merely walking either, again hiking is taking a walk to the trails. Be sure the trails are open to dogs first and foremost, check in with your healthcare providers, and bring doggy poop bags and water for the hike ahead. Not to mention a comfortable collar or harness and a leash comfortable and easy to handle for you. We’ll talk more about leashes, harnesses and collars in another post but bottom line not all collars, harnesses, and leashes are the same.

Can you believe it our dogs all along were the best workout partners we can ever have! WOW! Years ago I searched and searched through family members, online, local running clubs but actually getting together with others was near impossible. There was always a reason for not meeting up. Time schedules differing, I was faster than them or too slow and I was slowing them down. They were too tired….the list continued. Then one day I realized I already had the BEST ever workout partner ever- MY DOGS. Bonus I had multiple dogs! They were always ready, willing and able. And made things so much more fun to boot. There are so many more bonuses we will cover in upcoming posts but my experiences led me to wanting to share my love of working out with my dogs!

Until next time have a happy and healthy tail-wagging day,

Pam, the All-American Dog Runner Girl and her All-American Dog Pack

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