
On this page you will find the latest and greatest articles written for my audience and hopefully you can find answers to your questions or whatever it is your searching about. If you do have any question not covered please contact me and ask me any questions you have been searching for and I will make YOU my priority to address your concerns.

  • The Touch Game: Cultivating Vital Skills in Service Dogs

    The Touch Game: Cultivating Vital Skills in Service Dogs

    Service dogs are more than just pets; they’re indispensable companions that perform critical tasks making life significantly easier for individuals with disabilities. An essential part of their training includes a series of exercises known as ‘games’, designed to teach obedience and task execution in a way that is engaging for the dog. On day three…

  • Service Dog Training: The Critical Steps of Day 2 and the Importance of Public Education

    Service Dog Training: The Critical Steps of Day 2 and the Importance of Public Education

    Service dog training is a vital process that turns a regular pooch into an indispensable companion for those with varying disabilities. But the success of a service dog doesn’t only depend on the dog itself; it’s also about how society understands and respects these animals and their handlers. Day 2 of training, focused on clicker…

  • First Day of Service Dog Training

    First Day of Service Dog Training

    On my first day of training my service dogs Under the laws of the ADA (American Disabilities Act), I do not need to disclose why I am training to have my service dog. However, being that I am training and writing about training my service dog I am offering more information to you my precious…